Elizabeth is a happy and fun five-year-old girl who’s always up for an adventure. She makes friends wherever she goes with her infectious smile (and dimples). Her favorite activities include playing outside, swimming, and art. She has limited speech but she is saying more words every day. Currently, she does use an AAC device at school and knows some sign language. She attends a special academic program through our local school district and integrates with a typical classroom on a daily basis.
After Elizabeth’s global and cognitive delays became more apparent, she was diagnosed with DDX3X syndrome when she was four years old. While getting the diagnosis was initially shocking, we are so fortunate to have Elizabeth–she brings us never-ending joy. Every day she surprises us with something new that she learns, and we believe there’s no limit to what she can accomplish in her life.
Braylee was born February 2, 2014. Pregnancy was normal, but she decided to make her appearance at 36 weeks. She spent 3 weeks in the NICU due to failure to thrive, low blood sugar, breathing abnormalities and two different CHDs.
We finally got her diagnosis in November 2015. We have since become part of an amazing group of families and caretakers. Lena recently celebrated her 2nd birthday by learning how to crawl!
Kate is globally developmentally delayed, non-verbal and has autistic characteristics. She attends school in a severe/profound program where she continues to make slow but steady progress.
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